Confidentiality Policy

We understand that the aim of certification is to give confidence to all parties that a certified management system is capable of fulfilling requirements. The value of certification is the degree of confidence and trust on the certified client and the certification body. The degree of confidence may require access to confidential information and the need for privileged access.

Privileged access may be related to confidential information that is needed for the certification body to assess conformity to requirements for certification or meet audit objectives.

In the course of your audit and interaction process, you may create, receive, know of or gain access to information that is confidential and/or proprietary. It is essential that a certification body does not disclose any confidential information.

We are committed to confidentiality by:

  • Confidential information may be communicated only to those persons who need to know it for alegitimate audit and /or certification purpose;
  • Confidential information relating to third parties is often governed by legal requirements or a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement when an applicable confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement is requested by the parties concerned within the certification and/or audit process;
  • Confidential information shall not be communicated to third parties if it would give rise to a conflict between the interests of the recipient and the clients, or if it is reasonably foreseeable that the recipient would misuse the information;
  • Parties to the audit and/or certification process shall not leave documents containing confidential information where they may be seen by persons who do not have a need to know the content of the documents;
  • Parties to the audit and/or certification process shall avoid unnecessary copying and/or distribution of documents containing confidential information;
  • AV CERT shall cooperate fully with conflicts generated through compromise of confidentiality within the audit and/or certification process;
  • AV CERT shall ensure commitment and compliance of the personnel during the conduct of the audit and certification process.

Adequate management system shall be established, documented, implemented, maintained, operated, monitored and continually improved to demonstrate our commitment to the confidentiality policy in the audit and /or certification process.

Endorsed by the Board of directors